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Compassion Child
The Calvary Chapel children take an offering every week to support our Compassion Child. Rosine is growing up in Uganda. Calvary children supported Josue of Peru, a child when we began, until he finished high school. Christ Aid
David Mpora has been part of the Calvary Chapel missionaries for over 15 years. He lives here in Denver and orchestrates Christ Aid. He outreaches to the people of Uganda. He and his team of volunteers work building schools, orphanages, and water systems. AH' ADI KIDS is an outreach of Christ Aid.
Christian & Missionary Alliance
Five years ago a dear pastor friend from Chapel in the Hills, Doug Johnson, transferred to a small church in Buttermilk, Kansas. Their work there has produced much fruit over the years. They have added Bible studies, children's church, and outreaches to their little town. They are part of the Christian & Missionary Alliance Denomination. Calvary Chapel of Longmont
Michael and Mary Patrick are the pastoral couple at Calvary Chapel of Longmont. Michael was on staff at Calvary Chapel of Broomfield when he heard the call to start a church in Longmont. He has perservered in building the church. It is a blessing to be a part of their hard work. Gideons
Calvary Chapel supports the Gideons with a yearly donation. Christmas Food Baskets
Every year Calvary participates with the Presbyterian and Catholic churches to make up and give out over 100 Christmas food baskets
Johnny Smith Minstries
Johnny Smith Ministries is a outreach to people who visit and stay for the winter in Texas RV parks. Johnny and Anna, the first pastoral couple at Calvary Chapel, continue in the work of the Lord as the years go on. We support them with our love and prayers and financially. Denver Rescue Mission
Outreaches to the Denver Rescue Mission and the Food Pantry are ongoing. Steve and Tina Same have been supported by Calvary Chapel as missionaries for 20+ years. When we first met them they were serving in the Philipines. They have been ministering in London for 15+ years. Steve preaches in the town square weekly. They have purchased and renovated a local pub and outreach to the locals. They serve tea and the Word of God. They are under Globe International. ROW
Reaching Out to Woman, cabin ministry is to single women and their children in crisis. It is presently occupied by a single woman and her 2 sons. Jim and Myrtis McCormick are from Estes Park originally.30 years ago they responded to the call to take the Gospel to the Navajo nation. They have ministered to the Navajos and Hopis ever since their arrival. Their greatest accomplishment has been the translation of the Jesus video into the Navajo adn Hopi native language. The video has been a tool to share the good news, and it produces much fruit. They serve under ROCK ministries.